Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Out of date medication

Tags: out of date medication

With Bush Ban Gone, Stem Cell Research Will Proliferate

A strange and confused chapter in the history of American medical research ended Monday morning, when President Obama signed an executive order ending a ban on federal funding for embryonic-stem-cell lines that were developed after August 9, 2001. The ban has been roundly denounced as hypocritical a...

Read the full post from Wired Science


via Blogdigger blog search for out of date medication.

Why aren't teens getting emergency conception prescriptions when they are treated in hospital emergency rooms? This is the question posed by the study reviewed by this article at The study comes from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHoP as it's known around here). They ...

BEEN THERE DONE THAT AND GOT THE T SHIRT. Push button confidence...

Author: horsemartcouk
Added: January 29, 2009

Author: Rayynn
Keywords: Beverly Hills 90210 s09e18 Slipping away 4
Added: February 3, 2009

… date is November 12 but I don't think this one day is going to increase people's awareness that much.) Although I read one of Canada's largest newspapers on a daily Blog from:

out of date medication


1 comment:

  1. hello I always Buy Viagra but I never check the expiration date.I'm going to check this date. Thanks for this advice
